Monday, November 24, 2014

How the Media Portrays Feminist


If I say feminist or feminism, who do you instantly think of? Some would think of a head strong woman in the business world. She dresses like a “woman” but acts like a “man”. Some may think of a woman activist. She may be burning her bra in front of the White House or at some rally about hating men. Some may picture a woman who dresses like a “man” with her loose fitting jeans, boots, and a flannel on. Few will picture a man and even fewer will picture a regular person. Society has sculpted an image of feminists. When people think of a feminist their minds go to these outlandish places, because that is what they have always been taught. Feminist cannot be the preacher at church or the stay at home mom or the male who lives next door to you in your suburb. Feminist have to be women, women to do not particularly like men, women who want to be men, women who are just bitter and angry looking.

Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder are two prime examples of how the media likes to portray feminist. Olivia Pope and Annalise Keating are lead female character names in Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder. Both the shows have to do with law, affairs, murder, love, and of course a dominant woman who does not need anyone but herself. They are the heroes for others, but never themselves. They seem shut off to the world, as if they are putting on a show. Both of these women are very headstrong and dominant. They both call their own shots; they are their own bosses. Both of these women's emotions go wild whenever a love interest is near. When a male is around one of the female leads she must put her guard up. Why? Apparently because society feels as though feminist cannot seem to get along with their male counterparts. Both shows are set in man dominated areas. Which feeds into the fact that women must act like a man to make it in a man’s world. If they act anything less than that, they are given the lesser jobs and not taken seriously. 
The overall theme that these two shows share is that feminist must be seen in the same light that men are. Feminist have to be harsh in tone. They have to be dominant. They must be cold. They have to act bitter and angry towards men. Each woman in these shows acts like feminist should according to society. The ones who do not are seen as gentle and warm. They are treated like victims and not taken seriously. They end up changing to become this harsh, bitter woman so they can move up in the world. Women have to be seen in a certain light to be considered a feminist. This is portrayed in all forms of media. Women cannot be warm and welcoming and be a feminist. Since society’s view of feminist is skewed women cannot begin to be portrayed as a loving mother and a feminist. Women cannot be a painter and a feminist. Feminist are cold and calculated. They care for no one’s feelings and hate men. They are terrible to work with and give off a bitter vibe. If the media ever displayed a woman as a kindhearted feminist, well then society might just label her a witch; because that is just unheard of. 

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