Even though this speech is only 4:23 we notice a lot of emotions going on. We start out with grief and sadness. But as this speech moves on we can see that we are still a united nation, that no act of terrorism can break that. This speech gives us hope and the strength to move past these horrible events. During this time as a nation we are broken and some are left hopeless, but this speech given by President Bush restores the patriotism and hope in our nation. Even though this speech is short it is very effective in its message. We can see how the President is addressing us from his office, we also notice at the beginning of the speech pictures of his family. This shows that we are being talked to on a personal level and that the President is at a personal location for himself. He is not at a podium with a bunch of press around him. We also can break down this speech by the language used and words that are used. We can focus words like freedom and united, deadly and terrorism. These are words that we can take to heart and really gain power from. The words spoken by President Bush are still used today when we address terrorism, words of freedom and united nation that we are. If you would like to view this speech here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMiqEUBux3o
Good, but explain your claims better (e.g., gives us hope and strength). Also, can you add an image of some sort?