Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Radical Feminist Perspective on LFL

I'm sure many of you have heard of the Super Bowl and have probably also had the pleasure to watch this championship. A few years back, a man from Las Vegas, Nevada decided to make an alternative half time show called Lingerie Football League where women would wear lingerie and play football. This pay per view program was watched by many, but also, as many could assume, was also disgusted by many and was finally cut from television.

Now this league has come back and has spread like a virus to eight other countries.  The players in this league wear less than half the amount of clothes than their male counter-part, the NFL,  These women wear uniforms that show off their breasts by giving them shoulder pads that don't cover their chests.  These women become just eye candy for their viewers and some might find themselves staring at their bodies instead of actually watching what these women actually do on the field.

The film I observed never once mentioned the bodies of the women, but the footage taken and edited together to again show  off these women's bodies.  The LFL is a step back from gender equality and gives these women the roll of entertainers instead of athletes by the outfits they wear.  This, in my opinion, gives us a way to justify the way waitresses and hostesses have to dress up when they work at sports bars and sports centered restaurants like Hooters and The Tilted Kilt.


  1. The link between sport and sexism/misogyny us fascinating. I think oyu could tease that out a little, but the idea is there

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